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Arlia-Hamda Elmi



+358 40 576 9739



Petter Wetterin Tie  6 D 54

00810 Helsinki, Finland

A Bit About Me

My name is Arlia-Hamda Elmi, and I was born in Somalia. I am an abstract expressionist artist who currently lives and works in Helsinki, Finland. My art is known for its vibrant and colorful abstract paintings of different sizes. I spent part of my youth in Tuscany, Italy. At the age of 16, I emigrated to Finland, where I began my studies and worked in the world of art, fashion, and design. I have been painting since I was four years old and started creating fine art in 1995.


Art has always been a tender place for me, and painting has been my escape from the darkness of the world. My brushstrokes are bold, and my sense of color is magical. I let the creative expression within me reach the canvas like a mysterious language. My vision is to create a world of beauty, light, peace, and vibrant colors. My technique is a mixture of an abstract style and breathtaking colors. By experimenting with texture and drying processes while using acrylics, I have developed a unique technique. I apply several layers of thick paint to the canvases and use different tools and my fingers to shape the paint. Some sections are almost sculptures on their own. The light source is another important element in my work. I am a spiritual person and love nature. The sun and the moon, the sea and the sky, animals, humans, trees, and flowers all inspire me and work with energy and light.


I love working on many pieces at once because the variety keeps me present in the painting process, and I don't feel the anxiety that often occurs when I'm pressured to finish a single painting. I recognized this tendency early in my career and developed a solution that allowed me to be productive and at peace with myself at the same time. My main goal in painting is to create unforgettable, dynamic, and colorful artwork that inspires viewers and has profound meaning and sustainable value.

EDUCATION: 2000 BA, The Southwest Finland Institute for Art, Craft and Design 


02  Mar - 02 Apr 2024


Exhibition of Contemporary Artists, (women group exhibition),

Villa de Claricini Dornpacher, Bottenicco di Moimacco, Italy

from 2 Mar to 2 Apr 2024


11 May 2023 - 5 January 2024

The Route of LEONARD DA VINCI, International Itinerant Exhibition, (group exhibition), Villa de Claricini Dornpacher, Bottenicco di Moimacco, Italy

I COLORI della Calabria Jonica Mostra, Simposio Internazionale d’arte contemporanea, (group exhibition), Alba Chiare – Marina Blu, Montepaone Lido, Calabria, Italy

L’Arte nel Cuore, “Arte nel cuore” Un viaggio affascinante nelle emozioni degli artisti, (group exhibition), Circola Culturale San Clemente, Povoletto, Italy

FANTASMAGORIE – Exhibtion of Contemporary Artist in Avellino, (group exhibition), Museo Irpino Ex Carcere Borbonico, Avellino, Italy

ARCHFUSION, 18th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, (group exhibition), The Pavilion of the Republic of Niger, Africa, Isola San Servolo, Venice, Italy 

STOCCOLMA, Exhibition of Contemporary Artists, (group exhibition), Alviks Bibliotek, Stockholm, Sweden  

13 May - 15 September 2022

FINLANDIA, Exhibition of Contemporary Artists, (group exhibition), Sello Library / Anna Gallery, Espoo, Finland

UCCELLACCI E UCCELLINI, an Art exhibition dedicated to the centenary of the birth of Pier Paolo Pasolini, (group exhibition), Complessso Monumentale ex Carcere Borbonico, Avellino, Italy

ARTE COME REALTA´ E PROFEZIA, (group exhibition). Asmalimescit  Art Gallery, in Istanbul, Turkey 


25 March - 30 October 2021

ARIE ITALIANE, Art Exhibition of Contemporary Artists, (group exhibition), Palazzo Toppo Wassermann, Travesio, Italy

SUGGESTIONI DANTASHE, Exhibition of Italian Contemporary Artists, (group exhibition), Villa de Claricini Dornpacher, Bottenicco di Moimacco, Italy

EXTRA MOENIA, Art Show, (group exhibition), San Servolo, Venice, Italy

DANTE 700: TRA OMBRE E LUCI, VII centenary of Dante Alighieri's death, Villa de Claricini Dornpacher, Bottenicco di Moimacco, Italy



10 May - 6 October 2019

PITTURA A NORDEST, The International Art Exhibition, Villa Farsetti, Santa Maria di Sala, Venice, Italy

ITALIAN AIRS, Exhibition of Italian Contemporary Artists, (group exhibition), Asmalimescit Art Gallery, in Istanbul, Turkey

ARTE ESPOO FINLANDIA, Italiarts “Arte Espoo Finlandia, (group exhibition), Sello Library / Anna Gallery, Espoo, Finland

MUTATIONS, Venice Biennale. The initiative, entitled “San Servolo Island Event – Mutations”, San Servolo Servizi Metropolitan - Venice 


30 Abril - 8 May 2022

PORDONONE ARTE – ANTIQUARIA, Art and Antiques, Market Exhibition of Modern and Contemporary Art, (group exhibition), Asmalimescit Art Gallery, Udine, Italy

11 January - 19 January 2020

PORDENONE ARTE, Market Exhibition of Modern and Contemporary Art, painting, sculpture, and visual art, (group exhibition), Asmalimescit Art Gallery, Udine, Italy

2 November - 10 November 2019

ITALIAN AIRS, Tüyap Sanat Fuari – Art Fair, Asmalimescit  Art Gallery, in Istanbul, Turkey

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